Well, there can be a fine line between the two as one often takes the role of the other. Let's look at the basic definitions as provided by the ICC Fire code...
"Fire Exit" or more simply "Exit" - That portion of a means of egress system which is separated from other interior spaces of a building or structure by fire resistance rated construction and opening protectives as required to provide a protected path of egress travel between the exit access and the exit discharge. [Fire] Exits include exterior exit doors at ground level, exit enclosures, exit passageways, exterior exit stairs, exterior exit ramps, and horizontal exits. (ICC 1002.1, Definitions)
WOW... that's a lot of technobable! Let me break it down for you. A fire exit is a protected means for you to escape a building from in a fire emergency. "Protected" meaning the stairway enclosure is protected from the rest of the building by fire rated construction and... (here's the link) fire rated doors.
So... some fire doors can also be part of a fire exit. However, not all fire doors are exits...
"Fire Door" - Any combination of a door, frame, hardware, and other accessories that together provide a specific degree of protection to the opening. (ICC 202)
Fire doors can be used in combinations with fire exits, but they can also be used alone to help control the spread of fire and/or smoke within a structure. Hospitals, Nursing homes, and other large buildings like schools or churches will have wings separated from adjacent corridors or wings by fire doors. These doors are often help open with magnetic door holders which will release automatically if the fire alarm system is triggered. So while they are still "Fire Doors", they may or may not be marked as an exit.
I should also add that not all exit doors are fire doors. True, many are. Take glass doors on the front of a large office building for an example. They aren't necessarily fire rated, but they are still an exit!
Sorry I couldn't come up with a site for you, but to summarize...
Fire Exit - the means out of a building
Fire Door - the means to help control the spread of fire and/or smoke.
Sometimes used together, but two different items.
Hope that helps.